

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


The Antlers - Undersea.

Aight so yo. I remember listening to 'Hospice' a few years back and thinking it was pretty sick.  (Full album link if you're feeling like listening to some depressing music). I kinda missed the boat on 'Burst Apart' (Again) the follow up, but have definitely been stoked on 'Undersea' released some time somewhere.

side note-  I'm not down for telling you specific release dates, the bands favourite philosophers, or which character the members pick in Super Smash Bros (Link all the way pu$$i£$), so if you're looking for that kind of busyness sorry to disappoint- maybe i'll learn. What's important to me is sharing dope shit that I've found.

What i remember from the old stuff is emotionally intense vocals- soft then loud then pain if you feel me. Peter Silberman ( I definitely just looked his name up to sound more legit) brings mellow vibes on this one, which is why its pretty sick. Dreamy and watery there's this sense of a haunting feeling of optimistic melancholy (Makes me feel pretty chill about how long everything is). 


Drift Drive- Definitely the most upbeat of the four songs, but not in that gay chirpy way.

Endless Ladder- 8 minutes, Pleasantly haunting. Builds up and shit.

Crest- Dopest track on the EP for my money ($$$). Haunting horns,chilling voice, downbeat and a little more depressing (but that's sick).

Zelda- Some crazy video game shit going on here forrabit. Sly synths or something. Dem Horns again. Pretty dope.

Mellow vibes, cool horns, simple guitars, cool lyrics.

3.5 Sun Tzu's Outta 5

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